Teaching Principles
Step 1
Choose one of your submitted principles; expound on it in a new discussion board thread (Go to the next page to access the Week 04: Teaching Principles Discussion Board and click "Start a New Thread" to begin your post). Use the first fifty characters to give your post a title - which should clearly refer to the principle. Then, start your comments on a new line. Write approximately 150-250 words helping others understand the importance of this principle. You might explain its context, discuss how it sheds light and understanding on the gospel, pose questions you have, or share a situation in which this principle has applied in your life. If there is already a thread discussion the principle you wish to talk about, make your post (again, your first post should be 150-250 words) as a response or consider starting a new thread about another principle you found.
The Saints are warned not to become jealous or feel unfairly treated. Matthew 20:10
The parable used here is of the labourers. A man hired labourers (faithful Saints who have been active in the church all their lives) and agreed to pay them a penny a day, and he went out the third hour and saw others idle (people who had not yet joined the church to become active) and he offered them a penny a day to work. The man went out at about the sixth and ninth hours and offered them to work for a penny a day. (others joined the church and remained faithful in the work) He went out at the eleventh hour (people who’ve joined the church nearly at the end of their lives but who remained faithful to the work to the end) In the evening (when life is over and judgement day arrives) the labourers receive their penny. (reward) Those who had worked the whole eleven hours (those who were active their whole lives) thought they should receive more and they did complain saying that these last men had only worked 1 hour for the same pay and they are equal to those of us who have worked all day. (members all their lives) Jesus explains, didn’t I hire you for a penny a day? (exaltation) And he basically tells them they will lose their exaltation if they continue to complain. (do not repent of this bad attitude).
This is a big reminder to all of us to be mindful of converts and to welcome them into our wards with open arms, hearts, and minds. We do not know how long they have stood idle waiting to find the gospel and we need to welcome all our brothers and sisters to join us in exaltation.
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