Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Achieving a higher ground - Lesson 10 - Launching Leaders - private video notes Jim Ritchie - Launching leaders Co-founder

Achieving a higher ground - Lesson 10 - Launching Leaders - private video notes
Jim Ritchie - Launching leaders Co-founder
Review of the value of leadership and the individual responsibility we each have to become leaders.
Is that not why we started this journey together?
Are we all not looking to become leaders and performers in life?
Jim Ritchie's definition of true leader is the person who takes others to higher ground.
Higher ground - stories of people who took him to higher ground in his career.
These stories are of people who have worked hard and in the process of sacrifice to change the course of history ---- which is our responsibility.
Many stories of successful leadership comes from historical religious texts -- his personal favorites are the ones that come from the Holy Bible or other similar Pros.  They can be applied to every human being regardless of their religious background.
Captain Moroni -
Moroni was a military leader for the south American Civilization in the year 1000 A.D. As a military leader Moroni felt responsible to protect his people. Because of the social climate of the time Moroni was inspired to organize and prepare his people against eminent dangers from their enemies. When the battle finally arrived Captain Moroni tore off his coat carafted it into a flag and rode through the village in an attempt to rally the people. He knew that it was a leaders responsibility to take a stand for truth and protect the liberty and welfare of his people. This act of courage lifted the spirits of the people and led them to a memorable victory against which it seemed to be at the time  instrumental odds.  Many years later Moroni recorded his thoughts and feelings about that great battle. In the writings of his own words he explained the motivation behind his service. The conclusion to that discourse was simply "I am a Leader"  Being a leader was enough to motivate Moroni to fight for the cause of justice. That's what leaders do. They stand up for something of importance and they motivate others to do the same with that reward.
Abinidi -
Abinidi was an ancient prophet who while preaching repentance to the people was captured and put into prison. He was tried before the King and his council unable to convict him of a crime for his words they tried to get him to deny his faith and withdraw his rebuke of warning. But did so without success. In an angry retaliation these wicked men bound Abinidi in chains and tied him up to be burned, while engulfed in the flames Abinidi stood up and delivered on of the finest speeches He's ever heard. The story continues, unbeknownst  to Abinidi one of the wicked priests heart was touched and he was inspired to oppose the act of murder. This was not favorably received, he too was threatened with death. These threats had no affect for this man fled the city and continued this great cause of Abinidi becoming the next great leader of that society.  He became a stand-up leader of an entire civilization. Throughout history all leaders both men and women have led the masses to new ideology, has motivated and influenced others into brave into uncharted words. Their contributions cannot be overlooked. The qualities that made them great can be applied to our own lives.
Mahot M'Ghandi -
Mahot M'Ghandi showed great strength in resilience when he set an exceptional precedent by leading his country to freedom in 1947 through his policy of non-violent protests.
Nelson Mandela -
Nelson Mandela followed suit and became the first south African  president elected in democratic elections - Mandela also played an important role in the anti-parti movements in that country which eventually led to his 30-year prison term for his beliefs. After his release, through his perseverance and determination he successfully united his country.
Women to have played a great role in leadership.  Let's take a look at the mother of the modern day civil rights movement, Rosa Parks, was an African American civil rights activist who became famous for refusing to obey a bus driver's orders to give up her seat for a white passenger. Sometimes for leaders to take a stand they have to firmly plant their feet and hold their ground. Her boycott launched Martin Luther King Jr to his prominent role in the civil rights movement.
Joan of Arc became a French heroin by leading an army of Charles H 7th against the English at the age of 19.  She was eventually convicted on charges of witchcraft and fraud and burned at the stake for her beliefs.
Elizabeth the 1st ruled England for over 45 years, defeated the Spanish Armod in 1588 and led her country to become one of the strongest powers in Europe. During her arraign  she  promoted religious tolerance and government reforms, she strengthened the currency and turned her country into a great center for learning. Her era became known as the Elizabathian age.
Margaret Thatcher became England's 1st female prime minister winning 3 consecutive terms. The iron lady intimidated the USSR when they invaded Afghanistan and she went to war against Argentina when they threatened to take the falten islands from England.
Mother Theresa dedicated her life to helping the sick and the impoverst. In the 1950's she formed and lead the missionaries of charity in Colcata India. She established the pure Heart home for dying destitutes and later received a Nobel peace prize for her accomplishments.

These are just a few examples of great leaders who are willing to sacrifice themselves for their great causes and take responsible action. There are many more such leaders, George Washington , Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, Winston Churchill, Madam Curry, Elenora Roosevelt, Susan Anthony to name just a few. All these individuals stood up and made a difference in the world. Each of these persons embraced their responsibility through their freedom and equality. Leaders cause things to happen and motivate people by their willing conviction. This is what great leaders do, they stand up for or against important issues. 

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