Launching Leaders Lesson 4 "your emotional fingerprint" Private video notes
Even an old guy like me can find new friend, new mentors, my new friend's name id Woody Woodward the author of a book "your emotional fingerprint 7 secrets that will Transform your life" Woody and his teachings have left a positive impact on my life. I found you can still learn things about yourself even at my age.
Jim Ritchie - launching Leaders Co- Founder.
Your emotional fingerprint is a program that helps you develop a blueprint for your feelings and emotions. It helps to explain why you do the things you do in situations in your life, it teaches that becoming aware of your emotional fingerprint, or emotional DNA helps a person to make effective decisions, overcome the challenges, and achieve personal and financial goals with more effectiveness. What he teaches is when a person learns what the key driving forces are in their life they can begin to take control of their future. To help you better understand this concept I want to share an old Cherokee parable One evening an old wise Cherokee sat by the fireside and told his grandson about the human experience, he described a battle that rages inside all of us, there's a battle between two wolves one is evil and one is good the grandfather explained that the first wolf the evil one represented anger, envy, jealousy, susow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority ego, it’s a long list. The second wolf the grandfather continued is the good one represented joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and even faith. The grandson thought about this situation for a minute he then asked his grandfather "which wolf wins?" The old Cherokee simply replied "the one you feed" what you feed grows and what starve dies it is a tale as old as time. It is right versus wrong, good versus evil, light verses darkness, it permeates our culture just look at the message represented by the founding fathers who in the declaration of independence wrote we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal that their endowed by their creator with certain unaidable rights that among these their life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It contrasts greatly with the message of the organization like the Klu-Klux-Klan that exist purely to spread the message of hate of races, religion and sex. In pop culture we see this same concept metaphorically as imperial forces versus the Jedi Knights and Star Wars or Lord Voldemort versus Harry Potter in the Harry Potter book series or even as the vulturite versus the colors in twilight. Since the dawn of time there has been a struggle between two forces one is uplifting and hopefully encouraging, confident and charitable. Teach not the own control and strong beautiful free and independent, the other is fearful, etistical, prideful, puffed up, lazy, contentious, lonely, seeks approval, is negative, and is lonesome. I'm not talking about a movie plot or the next great novel, I'm talking about the battle inside each of us, In this week's lesson you're going to learn about what really drives you. Specifically everyone has 7 key characteristics that affect their moods, behaviors, opinions, as well as shape their hobbies, relationships, and careers. These 7 characteristics form your emotional fingerprint, your emotional fingerprint is the foundation to human behavior. Woody teaches that as a person learns to validate their emotions internally, meaning within their own control they gain the ability to beat unbeatable odds, overcome challenges, and accomplish your goals because they are not at the mercy of external influences stimuli. From Woody, I have learned to discover your emotional fingerprint unlocks the secret to personal success. Most people spend their entire life at a disadvantage, not aware of this important knowledge. This knowledge creates opportunity and opens the doorway to greatness. I did not consciously realize until after meeting Woody what made me feel important in a subconscious way I understood my emotional fingerprint and supported it internally., but now I am fully aware of what motivates and drives me to feel important and accomplished I'm so glad that I've become friends with Woody. His mentorship has helped me understand myself better and put into words what I've known intuitively for many years. I also understand my wife, co-workers, and friends in a different light. I know that to be successful in life you have to unreleased your creative powers in pursuit of your life's purpose. I submit that you can achieve your hidden potential as you mingle with, listen to, read about, and be quick to observe. Others will unleash their power and are willing to share with you the secrets of success. This is a accomplished much easier when we understand what drives us to thrilling action and inspires us to feel important.
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