Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Teaching principles directions - week 3

Teaching principles directions
Choose one of your submitted principles; expound on it in a new discussion board thread (Go to the next page to access the Week 03: Teaching Principles Discussion Board and click "Start a New Thread " to begin your post). Use the first fifty characters to give your post a title - which should clearly refer to the principle. Then, start your comments on a new line. Write approximately 150-250 words helping others understand the importance of this principle. You might explain its context, discuss how it sheds light and understanding on the gospel, pose questions you have, or share a situation in which this principle has applied in your life. If there is already a thread discussion the principle you wish to talk about, make your post (again, your first post should be 150-250 words) as a response or consider starting a new thread about another principle you found.

Teaching principles - discussion board entry
John 7: 1
Jesus walked in Galilee because the Jews wanted to kill him. John 7: 1

The Jewish leaders confronted Jesus and vowed to kill him. In this scripture, we learn that Jesus in Galilee While the Jews were feasting which drew large crowds and had animal sacrifices.  This is the fall before Christ's crucifixion in the spring.  This feast was a week-long celebration of thanksgiving with a ceremony where people waved palm, myrtle, willow, and citrus branches toward the cardinal points of the compass (north, south, east, and west) symbolizing the presence of God throughout the universe.  In verses 2-3 we learn there may be a little criticism on the part of Jesus' close relatives, likely including His own half-brothers, who do not believe in Him.
These verses helped me to remember the principle of being humble.  Jesus knew that in the spring he was going to be crucified so he was walking in Galilee teaching everyone of Him all the while being criticized even by family.  I think about my own life and how I could be humbler in situations of teasing and ridicule.  I happen to only be 4'7" so most people everywhere cannot help themselves about my height.  Even just the other day my manager at work was walking down the aisle next to mine and she looked over and saw me and asked me if I was standing or sitting.  I said standing and she laughed and said wow I thought for sure you were sitting I can't believe you're that short.  My first instinct was to cry, but instead I just got very quiet.  Maybe that could be a teaching moment for me.  I think I could have probably let her know my feelings on the subject. I wish I was humbler and had the courage to confront her. I will follow Jesus' example by kindly letting people know how it does hurt my feelings when I'm teased/laughed at about my height.  It is not something that I can change and it is the reason I struggle in leadership. People do not want a 4'7" leader.

I sometimes wonder if the "feasting for thanksgiving" that the Jewish were doing is the reason we have Thanksgiving today.  Is there a religious reason for the holiday?  I learned as a child that it was celebrated because it was when the pilgrims and Indians came to an agreement and had a feast to celebrate their communion.

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