Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Reflection Journal Week 3

Reflection Journal - directions
Write at least two short paragraphs describing anything new that you have learned including how you learned it; mention how your life is changing or will change as a result of what you have studied this week, and include any other questions for the instructor or insights you would like to share.

Reflection Journal Week 3

This week I’m learning from John Chapter 7 how to be humble.  Jesus knew that he only had a few more months until he would be crucified and instead of trying to stop the crucifixion he continued ministering to the people in Galilee.  Even with people/his family all in disbelief he could be humble and continue his mission.

I am enjoying learning from the Book of John.  I think He is a great example to me and if I continue to study the scriptures and learn the way He lived I will learn to live like He did and be a humble person.  I know I should not judge people but at times I do this and I know through Jesus’ example that I can be a better person.

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