Wednesday, October 19, 2016

How to get your ideas to spread | Seth Godin - video notes

Once a year… 1000 remarkable people gather in Monterey, California to exchange something of incalculable value
What happens there has never been shared …until now
TED ideas worth spreading

Jeff Koons
Frank Gehry
     Seth Godin
The sad true tale of Otto Rohwedder

Otto Rohwedder invented Sliced bread
Starbucks - Ideas that spread, win. Ideas that spread, win.
The century of idea diffusion

At the heart of spreading ideas is T.V. and stuff like T.V. …Mass Media

                                                                 Buy ads
      Sell more Products                the T.V.-Industrial complex           Get more distribution
                                                               Make a profit

The thing that will get your ad to sell is: is it remarkable?
Analogy- if you are driving down the road and you see a cow you are not going to stop and look at the cow because you've seen so many that they are invisible but if the cow was purple you might stop to look unless all the cows are purple---then you'll get bored again.

Remarkable means - worth making a remark about.

The top-selling DVDs change every week - the reason is; is because that's the week it came out and people are excited about the new movie even if it's not a great movie.

Mass marketing is making average product for average people
Market to Early adopters and Innovative people because these are the people who are obsessed with something. When you talk they will listen because it's about them

You want to talk to the people you know who will want your product.
You sell to the people who are listening and they'll tell their friends
Don't be boring

All you have to do is figure out what people want and give it to them.

  1. The design is free when you get to scale and the people who come up with stuff that is remarkable are more often than not figure out to put design to work for them
  2. The riskiest thing you can do is be safe
  3. Being very good is the worst things you can be….very good is boring very good is average

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